"" for ancient seed, amethyst and ancient drum) and receive the items whenever you speak to a villager that says your name.

By naming your character the IDs you wish to spawn - you can name your character with up to three IDs (e.g.

This has the downside that it costs money to buy the animal, but has the advantage that it can be done more than once in a game (unlike naming your character, which can only be done when you create your save). ""), you will receive the items with the specified IDs. By purchasing an animal and naming it the IDs you wish to spawn - when you purchase an animal and name it with up to three IDs surrounded by square brackets (e.g.There are currently two known ways you can do this: There aren't any commands that can be used to cheat in items in Stardew Valley, instead, you must make use of a bug that allows you to name things (either yourself or an animal) the ID of an item, and then receive that item at a partiuclar point in the game.